Youtap Provides All Business Needs & Solutions
untuk Semua Bisnis

Youtap has integrated environment to provide business needs and solutions. We have integrated our products and system to fit any MSME business. Youtap POS, BOS, PAY, Kiosk, Loyalty and Enterprise Solution. Let’s find more about our solutions to accelerate your business scale.

Youtap BOS

Solusi Belanja Stok untuk Penuhi Kebutuhan Usaha
Discover a quick and convenient way to buy and sell business supplies on Youtap BOS. Streamline your operation with the right inventory solutions. Find the supplies you need, fast, and the best prices.
Diverse Product Options from Realible Local and National Suppliers
Discover a wide variety of products from trusted local and national suppliers. Such high-quality products at competitive prices.
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Youtap KIOSK

Tingkatkan pelayanan kepada pelanggan dengan menyederhanakan operasional bisnis

Sistem Self-Order

Memungkinkan pelanggan untuk melakukan pemesanan self-order untuk makan di tempat dan ambil sendiri dengan pembayaran tunai atau non tunai.

Proses Pesanan & Laporan

Proses pesanan Anda & dapatkan laporan waktu penyediaan pesanan langsung di portal.

Kustomisasi Banner untuk Promosi

Sesuaikan banner sebagai bagian dari stratefgi promosi pemasaran untuk meningkatkan penjualan.

Youtap Loyalty

Voucher Engine Solution
iPhone mockupMacBook mockup
Icon Loyalty Reward

Voucher Generator

Kemudahan membuat dan mendistribusikan voucher untuk promosi, diskon, dan penawaran spesial. Memungkinkan bisnis untuk menghasilkan kode voucher unik yang dapat digunakan pelanggan, hingga membantu strategi marketing dan engagement pelanggan.

Sistem Pembayaran Terpisah dengan Voucher

Fasilitasi transaksi dengan mudah menggunakan voucher yang dapat digabungkan dengan metode pembayaran lainnya untuk memberikan fleksibilitas dan kenyamanan pelanggan ketika berbelanja.

Youtap Solution

Experience the power of personalized digital solutions

Host to Host CPM PAYMENT

Merchant digitalization by providing Host to Host Integration providing CPM. Offer flexibility & scalability solutions for big corporate business without significant investment

Host to Host MPM PAYMENT

Host to Host Integration providing MPM multi acquire from various banks, e-wallets and buy now pay later companies by providing seamless QRIS Payment Acceptance system


Expands & scale your business, from our expansive catalogue & customized catalogue connected by API Integration.


Focusing more business opportunities for partners to have POS complete with comprehensive features. System As A Service (SAAS) such a plug and play for any partners


Manage events and appointments efficiently with the integrated ticketing solution such as create, sell, and track tickets for various events, ensuring smooth operations and improved customer satisfaction


Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
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